We now how a playable game. Gameplay consists of getting from Edward's classroom to the school exit by jumping on platforms and battling enemies. This week we worked on bugs so that the game could be more polished. We managed to eliminate all of the bugs that we created the week prior from retrofitting our code to be more object-oriented. Our game now consists of clearly defined states and substates. For example, at any given time the game is in a state based on what level it is in (or if it is at the menu screen) and every enemy and player has a substate which specifies what attack they are performing.
There are 9 substates:
- Still
- Jump
- Run
- StillAttack
- JumpAttack
- RunAttack
- StillDamaged
- JumpDamaged
- RunDamaged
When a player or enemy is in a "Damaged" state, they take damage and flash for a half of a second. If the player takes too much damage, it exits to the menu screen. If an enemy takes too much damage from Edward's slap (which is his one Attack state at the moment) they fall to the ground then disappear.
The level editor can be accessed at:
Entire levels can be designed, from placing the background tiles to placing the platforms! You can also load levels to edit ones that you have already made. Still left undone: placing state locations of enemies and players and triggers.
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